What Percentage of Homeless Are Drug Addicts?

Homeless individuals may live in an emergency shelter, transitional housing, or a car. Alternatively, they may bounce around from place to place, staying with people they know. By definition, anyone who does not have “a regular, adequate, and stable night-time residence” can be considered homeless. According to the National Alliance to End Homelessness, in 2020, more than 500,000 people in the U.S. were considered homeless on a nightly basis.

  1. “Overdose is an absolute plague in the homeless community,” Darren Willett, director of harm reduction at Homeless Healthcare Los Angeles, said in a briefing on the report, which covered both 2019 and 2020.
  2. Further, it is possible that housed individuals with opioid use disorders are getting treated in non-emergent care settings and thus, we are not able to compare the risk of opioid-use disorders between the two groups.
  3. The nationally coordinated Point-in-Time counts provide an opportunity to study homelessness in communities across the country and contribute to the development of a national picture of homelessness in Canada.

All of these models for treating homelessness and drug addiction see treatment as a continuum, rather than an end point. Most treat both the critical needs of the individual as well as their long-term needs. It’s not enough alcohol intoxication to offer detoxification programs and temporary housing, for example. Long-term treatment, an affordable house and continued support during recovery are all essential if a homeless addict is going to remain sober.

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Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) that leads public health efforts to advance the behavioral health of the nation. SAMHSA’s mission is to lead public health and service delivery efforts that promote mental health, prevent substance misuse, and provide treatments and supports to foster recovery while ensuring equitable access and better outcomes. Addressing the nation’s mental health crisis and drug overdose epidemic are core pillars of the Biden-Harris Administration’s Unity Agenda.

Social determinants of health and addiction

This allows any bodily fluids to drain out of the mouth and nose, reducing the risk of aspiration and asphyxiation. Industry-specific and extensively researched technical data (partially from exclusive partnerships). Kim, Pollio, Gordon, and Kertesz contributed to research conception and design, data collection, analysis, and interpretation of the results as well as writing and revision of the manuscript. Ms. Johnson contributed to data collection and initial review of the manuscript. Grucza and Austin contributed to analysis of the results and in revisions of the manuscript. To learn more about how we’re supporting those who need help in our community and beyond, contact us today.

Some examples of Schedule II drugs are cocaine, fentanyl, methamphetamine, oxycodone, and hydrocodone. Nearly 70% of law enforcement agencies in the western and midwestern areas of the United States view methamphetamine and fentanyl as the greatest threats to their populations. Drug abuse and misuse of prescription drugs is generally more prevalent in males than in females. Its authors said that they would explore the possibility that COVID-19 had an indirect effect on the rise in homeless deaths but that they did not have enough information to draw conclusions.

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Among those who self reported as Indigenous, a slightly higher proportion of First Nations (28.5%) and Métis (28.4%) respondents reported ASU use as a reason for housing loss than Inuit (24.4%) and those with Indigenous ancestry (24.1%). The reporting of ASU as a reason for housing loss was significantly lower among adults with dependents (8.1%) compared to single respondents (25.3%) and couples without dependents (27.1%) (Figure 7). Among families, the likelihood of reporting ASU as a reason for housing loss declined as family size increased. For instance, single parent families with 1 dependent (family size of 2), were more likely to report ASU as a reason for housing loss (9.4%) compared to those with 3 or more dependents (4.3%). The statistics presented in this article paint a sobering picture of the current state of addiction in the United States.

County Department of Public Health said that in 2022, fentanyl was the cause of almost 60% of accidental drug or alcohol overdoses in the overall county population. Fentanyl has surpassed meth as the most common drug contributing to overdose deaths. A Times analysis of the data found that about 65%, or 545, of last year’s deaths reported so far were linked to drugs, including fentanyl and methamphetamine — an indication of the deadly toll of the drug crisis on the streets of L.A. Only 39 percent said this was their first episode, and the median length of all respondents’ current bout of homelessness was 22 months. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), released the results of the 2022 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH).

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Addiction is like an octopus, with many tentacles wrapping themselves around every facet of a substance abuser’s life. As a substance abuser becomes increasingly dependent on drugs and alcohol, their expenses increase just when their income decreases. They can lose their homes and apartments as well as anything else they own in the pursuit of their next high. The statistics on homelessness and substance abuse tell a compelling and troubling story. The following statistics are for single people only and do not include families or children who are homeless. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) estimated that roughly 36% of all homeless people suffered from a substance use disorder, a mental health condition, or both.

Statistics like those Wells’ cited can give residents and elected officials ammunition to blame homeless people for their predicaments and provide cover for not exploring solutions that may be costly or controversial. Mayor Bill Wells has described rampant addiction among El Cajon’s homeless population in the weeks since, arguing that rising drug use and street homelessness helped fuel the hepatitis A outbreak. Jason Ward, an economist at the Santa Monica-based Rand Corp., a nonprofit research institute, said in an interview in February that he continues to see a “very high rate” of mortality among unhoused people in Los Angeles because of fentanyl.

Similarly, the proportion of respondents reporting ASU as a reason for housing loss increased as the number of homeless episodes increased, from 22.6% for one episode, to 29.4% for 3 or more episodes (Figure 16). Respondents who indicated ASU as a reason for housing loss were more likely to report a longer duration since their first experience of homelessness (Figure 14). The median time since first homelessness experience was higher for those who reported ASU (9 years) compared to those that did not (6 years). Almost half (45.8%) first experienced homeless 11 or more years prior to their current episode of homelessness, and 17.1% first experienced homelessness 6 to 10 years ago. Those who did not report ASU were more likely to have first experienced homelessness less than a year ago (25.5%) compared to 14.9% for respondents who reported ASU as a reason for their housing loss.

2021 NSDUH report includes selected estimates by race, ethnicity, and age and is the most comprehensive key findings report to date. The mortality rate from drug overdose was highest for white people but remained stable in 2019, while the rates for Black people increased by 45% and for Latinos by 17%. The L.A. County Department of Medical Examiner-Coroner’s preliminary estimate of 1,383 deaths of homeless people in 2020 would be a year-over-year increase of about 9%. But in another, critical sense, addiction does discriminate among people, in a way that is unjust and deadly, and in a way that shines a spotlight on tears in the socioeconomic web that is holding our society together. It has long been observed by clinicians that social determinants of health (SDoH) can tip the scales against people, in their already daunting quest to recover from any type of addiction.

To support those dealing with mental health and substance use issues, the researchers recommend expanding low-barrier treatment options for those experiencing homelessness, and for those who transition into permanent supportive housing. Few people experiencing homelessness were working, though many were looking for work. Just 18 percent reported income from performance-enhancing drugs: know the risks jobs, and 70 percent reported it had been at least two years since they had worked 20 hours or more weekly. Nearly all participants expressed interest in obtaining formal housing, though fewer than half had received any formal assistance to do so. Just 26 percent received assistance monthly or more frequently in the six months before they were interviewed.